Journal of Dental Specialities


Table of Contents

Year-2024 | Volume: 12 | Issue 2

Review Article

Eco-friendly dentistry: Understanding the environmental impact in dental practice

Author : Richa Wadhawan*, Sushma Mishra, Shubham Parihar, Neel Raj, Bhakti Rajput, Shubham Kumar, Laishram Memory Devi, MD Manauwwar

Doi :   Page No : 67-71

[Abstract] [Full Text HTML] [PDF] [EPub] [View (110)] [Download (232)]

Indirect sinus lift with implant placement in maxillary right molar region

Author : Sunil Kumar Singh, Ashish Kamboj*, Chandni Ghildiyal, SS Chopra, Paras Angrish

Doi :   Page No : 151-153

[Abstract] [Full Text HTML] [PDF] [EPub] [View (91)] [Download (18)]

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