Journal of Dental Specialities


Table of Contents

Year-2013 | Volume: 1 | Issue 2

Original Article

Survey on public perception towards oral health and oral hygiene practices in Muradnagar, India

Author : Singh A, Sharma A, Dixit A, Arora D, Dhaginakatti AS, Kote SK*

Doi :   Page No : 4-12

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (210)] [Download (428)]

Evaluation of the anteroposterior relationship of maxillary central incisors to the forehead in profile

Author : Singh V, Sharma P*, Kumar P, Chandra P, Sharma R, Verma R

Doi :   Page No : 13-20

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (292)] [Download (524)]

Case Report

Customised ocular prosthesis: A case report

Author : Gupta S, Bhargava A, Sehgal M, Gupta RK

Doi :   Page No : 55-58

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (109)] [Download (17)]

Palatal reservoir denture- hope for xerostomia patient- A case report

Author : Suganna M., Singh M., Khatri A, Kaur N, Thakur V

Doi :   Page No : 59-62

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (53)] [Download (27)]

Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor of mandible —An unusual case report

Author : Singh G, Ahuja P, Singh R A, Thanuja R

Doi :   Page No : 63-66

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (225)] [Download (18)]

Gingival depigmentation: A case series

Author : Mahajan V', Dodwad V’, Nagpal S

Doi :   Page No : 67-71

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (204)] [Download (23)]

Lipoma —Case report of a rare intraoral tumor

Author : Mittal S, Suma GN, Dua S, Agarwal S

Doi :   Page No : 72-75

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (92)] [Download (24)]

Epiplating systems for retaining facial prostheses: A case report

Author : Sethi T, Kheur S, Kheur M, Jambhekar S*

Doi :   Page No : 80-84

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (279)] [Download (25)]

Dilated Odontome as a “Smiling” mandibular third molar: A case report

Author : Lakhanpal M, Suma GN, Srivastav S, Malik S

Doi :   Page No : 85-88

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (116)] [Download (20)]

Osteosarcoma: A challenge in diagnosis & management

Author : Rastogi P, Kumar K, Dhanpal R

Doi :   Page No : 89-93

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (331)] [Download (25)]

Seal away tooth decay: A case report & review

Author : Kamate KS, Gupta B, Sharma S*, Kumar J

Doi :   Page No : 99-106

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (271)] [Download (40)]

Restoring esthetics by clinical crown lengthening

Author : Saxena S, Khatri M, Jain D, Bansal M

Doi :   Page No : 111-115

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (123)] [Download (24)]

Bite registration made simpler-A case report

Author : Gupta A, Chandna AK, Singla A, Puri A

Doi :   Page No : 124-126

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (120)] [Download (33)]

Clinical Tip

Achieving predictable esthetics in smile design —going the digital way

Author : Mehra P, Bhargava A, Gupta S

Doi :   Page No : 127-128

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (43)] [Download (20)]

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