Journal of Dental Specialities


Table of Contents

Year-2023 | Volume: 11 | Issue 1

Review Article

Dentine grafts in socket preservation: An overview

Author : Spandana Reddy Vantary, T Prasanth*, Satisha T S, Nitin Gupta, Ankit Krishna

Doi :   Page No : 3-7

[Abstract] [Full Text HTML] [PDF] [EPub] [View (612)] [Download (773)]

Distraction: A game changer-A comparative interventional study in children aged between 4-7 years

Author : Tanya Kakkar*, Pooja Srivastava, Bhavna Gupta Saraf, Neha Sheoran, Anam Khushboo Khan, Pallavi Lakhanpal

Doi :   Page No : 21-27

[Abstract] [Full Text HTML] [PDF] [EPub] [View (559)] [Download (807)]

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