Effect of resilient liner on masticatory efficiency and general patient satisfaction in completely edentulous patients

Author Details : Nidhi Mangtani, Rajath S Pillai, Dinesh Babu B, Veena Jain

Volume : 3, Issue : 2, Year : 2015

Article Page : 150-155

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Objectives: To assess the effect of resilient lined denture on patient masticatory efficiency, general patient satisfaction and denture quality as compare to conventional complete denture over a period of one year.
Material and methodology: A total of 28 completely edentulous patients (14 males and 14 females) aged 45 to 60 years, having well-formed ridges were selected following iclusion exclusion criteria. These were divided into two equal groups, i.e. control (provided conventional mandibular complete denture –group 1) and experimental (provided mandibular denture lined with acrylic soft denture liner – group 2). All patients were clinically evaluated to assess the denture quality, and administered questionnaires for  masticatory efficiency and patients general satisfaction level at three intervals i.e. one month (T0), 6 months (T1) and 1 year post-insertion (T2).
Results: Statistical analysis for individual question for masticatory efficiency showed significantly higher score (P<.05) at baseline for experimental group as compared to control. While at six and twelve months time interval, significant differences (P<.05) were noted for some questions only. Intra-group analysis showed masticatory efficiency improved significantly over time in controls, while in experimental group masticatory efficiency remained the same (p>.05) for almost all the questions. Patient general satisfaction score at different time intervals for each question showed no significant difference (P>.05) on inter-group comparison. Time dependant intra-group comparison for patient general satisfaction score also showed no significant difference in scores for almost all the questions for both the groups. Statistical analysis for denture quality showed dentures in experimental group have significantly higher (P<.05) scores  for denture retention and condition of supporting tissue as compared to control group, while with time denture quality decreased significantly in both the groups.
Conclusion: Dentures with soft liner provided better masticatory efficiency while it had no effect on patient’s general satisfaction. Denture quality is better for one with soft liners as compare to one without soft liner.
Keywords: Edentulism, Masticatory, Efficiency

How to cite : Mangtani N, Pillai R S, Dinesh Babu B, Jain V, Effect of resilient liner on masticatory efficiency and general patient satisfaction in completely edentulous patients. J Dent Spec 2015;3(2):150-155

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