Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 1, Year : 2018
Article Page : 46-49
Introduction: It is a well known fact that the life of patient after the removal or exfoliation of all teeth becomes miserable as patient usually has common complaints of inappropriate chewing function along with some pain with the conventional dentures. The aim of this present study was to evaluate the difference in amount of bone resorption in the edentulous patients who were rehabilitated with telescopic implant denture versus those who were given screw retained prosthesis in the posterior area.
Materials and Method:The present study comprised of a total of 20 male edentulous patients from the outpatient so as to place four implants in each arch with the use of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and surgical technique without raising the flap. After the insertion of prosthesis, panoramic radiograph was done immediately, another after six months and one more after twelve months of using the prosthesis.
Results:The results of this present study depicted that even if the bone loss in Group I was slightly higher than Group II, but still the difference in the bone resorption in both the groups remained insignificant (p value>0.05).
Discussion:As it is a well known fact that resorption of alveolar ridge occurs throughout life as it is a continuous process, so there was expected reduction in the height of alveolar ridges in the two study groups. The most probable reason for this reduction in bone height is that the transmitted forces to the alveolar bone exceed the normal level of bone tolerance.
Conclusion:This study concludes that no single treatment option is better or worse than the other and both can be used to rehabilitate the edentulous patients based upon the factors of cost of treatment, invasiveness and patient preferences.
Keywords:Telescopic crowns, Screw retained prosthesis, Bone resorption
How to cite : Pasha K S A, Bhatia S, Singh R, Assessment of bone resorption differences in patients rehabilitated with screw retained prosthesis and telescopic crowns: A pilot study. J Dent Spec 2018;6(1):46-49
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