Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 1, Year : 2017
Article Page : 90-93
Odontomas are the benign odontogenic tumors, usually asymptomatic and discovered incidentally during routine radiologic investigations, but sooner when infected. Complex odontomas are irregular calcified masses of dental tissues, with a disorderly arrangement, that bear no morphologic similarity to teeth. We report a case of infected unerupted complex odontoma in the posterior mandible of an adult patient with clinical and radiological features.
Keywords: Odontome, Odontogenic tumors, Complex, Compound
How to cite : Singha R, Bhowmik B, Sarkar S, Banerjee I, Maity S, Maji A, Association of kissing odontome and molar - A case report. J Dent Spec 2017;5(1):90-93
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