Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 1, Year : 2017
Article Page : 49-52
Background: The clinical appearance of sound gingiva differs from individual to individual and even at different sites in the oral cavity. Some characteristics are genetically influenced; others appear to be determined by external factors, and biological factors such as growth, gender and age. The present study was carried out to assess and compare knowledge, perception, awareness, extent, severity and factors affecting gingival pigmentation among 18-23 year old males and females studying in an institution in UP, India.
Materials & Method: The study sample consisted of 300 degree college students aged between 18 to 23 years. A structured and self-administered questionnaire was used for obtaining information on knowledge, perception, awareness and clinical observations with regard to gingival pigmentation among the participating students.
Results: It was observed that 87% males and 43% females in the 14-18 region, in 87% males and 54.7% females in 13-23 region, 93.5% males and 40.8% females in 24-28 region, 87% males and 45.3% females in the 44-48 region, 87% males and 59.2% females in the 33-43 region, 87% males and 40.8% females in the 34-38 region of the gingiva. Gingival pigmentation was found to be more of mild to moderate than severe, among the students. About half of the study population was still unaware of the treatment modalities available for reduction of gingival pigmentation. A little more than half of the population was not willing to undergo depigmentation procedures the most common reason was that they were fine with the appearance of their own gingiva.
Conclusion: This study showed that females had higher prevalence of gingival pigmentation in the area of the smile line and were more concerned about the appearance of their gingiva than males.
Keywords: Gingival hyperpigmentation, Gingival pigmentation index
How to cite : Goswami V, Menon I, Singh A, Pal R, Sharma A, Singh V R, Knowledge, attitude and perception of gingival pigmentation among students aged 18-23 Years in UP, India. J Dent Spec 2017;5(1):49-52
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