Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 1, Issue : 1, Year : 2013
Article Page : 94-97
Treatment of mandibular molars have always kept the endodontist sharp and alert as it is oneof the teeththat show variations in its external and internal morphology to theextreme. These variations of theroot canal anatomy are always a challenge for accurate diagnosis and successful endodontics therapy. A thorough knowledge therefore of the most common anatomic characteristics and its possible variations is essential for the clinician. The common morphology that mandibular 1° molars exhibit is two roots with two mesial and one distal canal. But in some teeth, the number of roots and root canals vary. Mandibular molars can have an additional root located lingually (the Radix Entomolaris) or bucally (the Radix Paramolaris). The possibility of an extra root should be considered and looked for carefully to avoid or overcome procedural errors during endodontic therapy. This report presents threesuch cases of mandibular 1“molar with extra roots.
Keywords: Mandibular molar, Radix Entomolaris, Anatomic variations, Endodontic treatment.
How to cite : Dewan R, Taneja S, Kumar P, Shukla A, Saini M, Clinical management of radix entomolaris. J Dent Spec 2013;1(1):94-97
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