Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : 1, Year : 2014
Article Page : 54-60
Interdisciplinary approach requires a successful cleft lip and palate rehabilitation. When the patient is an adult then the problem becomes even more challenging. This case report describes management of 19-year-old female patient with untreated bilateral cleft who had come for the orthodontic correction of irregular upper teeth. Maxillary expansion was done followed by bone grafting and lip correction after the dental alignment. Interdisciplinary approach is must to get optimal facial and dental aesthetics.
Keywords: Cleft lip and Palate, Abbe flap, NiTi Expander, Secondary Bone Grafting.
How to cite : Karandikar A, Singla A, Batra P, Sadhu P, Comprehensive management of adult bilateral cleft lip and palate patient. J Dent Spec 2014;2(1):54-60
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