Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : 1, Year : 2014
Article Page : 37-40
Background: Lichen planus is a T-cell mediated autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases are chronic conditions initiated by the loss of immunological tolerance to self-antigens and represent a heterogeneous group of disorders. Estrogen, testosterone and progesterone have significant biological actions thatcan affect otherorgan systems including theoral cavity.
Methodology: The current study assessed the serum estrogen and testosterone levels in patients with oral lichen planus. 10 patients, 5 patients with clinical presentation of oral lichen planus and 5 normal healthy individuals or patients with oral lichenoid reaction visiting the Department Of Oral Medicine and Radiology at ITS-CDSR Muradnagar were selected. 5m! of blood sample was withdrawn from each patient. Enzyme linked fluorescence assay was performed using TOSOH AIA 360 technique for evaluation of estrogen and testosterone levels.
Results: Increased estrogen levels was observed in patientswith oral lichen planus. Testosterone level was within normal range in oral lichen planus and patientswith lichenoid reaction.
Conclusion: Autoimmunity as evidenced by increase levels of estrogen could be one of the etiological factor of oral lichen planus.
Keywords: Oral Lichen Planus, Oral Lichenoid Reaction, E strogen, Testosterone.
How to cite : Bhardwaj H, Mody B, Krishnamoorthy B, Suma G N, Elevated estrogen levels in patients with oral lichen planus- A pilot study. J Dent Spec 2014;2(1):37-40
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