Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 9, Issue : 1, Year : 2021
Article Page : 22-25
Denture teeth and denture flange are two very important aspects of a complete denture. For aesthetic purpose while fabricating the complete denture prosthesis, restoring the labial fullness is a sensitive procedure. There are some clinical situations where the labial flange gives poor facial aesthetics. It is more occur in proclined maxillary anterior ridge or thick labial cortical plate with severe labial undercut. In this article we are presenting a case with thick labial cortical plates and severe labial undercut. So, we have modified the complete denture and delivered a prong (flangeless) denture to give more aesthetic appearance to the patient.
Keywords: Prosthodontics, Unconventional complete dentures, Labial fullness, Prong (Flangeless), Wing denture
How to cite : Pathania N, Sailo J L, Noor S U, Nagpal A, Mahajan M, Prong maxillary complete denture for better facial aesthetic: A case report. J Dent Spec 2021;9(1):22-25
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Received : 18-06-2021
Accepted : 24-09-2021
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