Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 1, Year : 2020
Article Page : 21-25
Odontogenic keratocysts (OKCs) may occur in two different forms, either as solitary (non syndromic
OKCs) or as multiple OKCs (syndromic OKCs). Multiple OKCs are usually associated with Gorlin–Goltz
syndrome with features like skin carcinomas and bifid ribs, eye, and neurologic abnormalities. We report a
rare case of Gorlin–Goltz syndrome in a 35-year-old male patient who presented with a swelling in lower
left back teeth region since 1 week. Apart from these, other findings observed in the patient were frontal
bossing, depressed nasal bridge, ocular hypertelorism, prominent supra orbital ridge, and mild mandibular
prognathism. On the basis of clinical and radiological evaluation, Enucleation was planned in all the three
quadrants and histopathological evaluation revealed multiple OKC’s. Patient was followed-up multiple
times for the duration of six months. This case report highlights the important findings and presentation of
a rare case of Gorlin Goltz syndrome along with its review of literature.
Keywords: Odontogenic keratocyst, Basal cell carcinoma, Bifid ribs, Gorlin Goltz Syndrome.
How to cite : Ahuja S, Ahuja U S, Narang N P, Multiple odontogenic keratocyst: A case report and review of literature. J Dent Spec 2020;8(1):21-25
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