Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 2, Year : 2019
Article Page : 118-121
Sialolithiasis is a condition characterized by the obstruction of a salivary gland or its excretory duct due to the formation of calcareous concretions, resulting in salivary ectasia and subsequent dilatation of the salivary gland. This disease is mostly seen in adults or young adults, and seldom develops in children with submandibular gland duct being the most common site. This case report describes a 19 year old patient presenting with pain and swelling in right side of floor of mouth. Sialolithiasis of right submandibular gland was diagnosed based on clinical and radiographic examination. The sialolith was removed under local anesthesia.
Keywords: Sialolithiasis, Submandibular gland, Intraductal, Intraglandular, Sialo-MRI, Lithotripsy.
How to cite : Wadhawan R, Mohan V, Gupta S, Lau H, Sialolithiasis in a 19 year old male: A case report. J Dent Spec 2019;7(2):118-121
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